Well Daytona was just the first half of our Florida trip! After completely dominatrixing the Daytona Supercross, we headed to Red Bull Day in the dirt! Its real shame they wouldn’t let me kick Ellie Slomacs ass on pro day so we had to kick some amateur ass at Daytona but we were excited to get down to the next event!
Friday night was the pit bike race. Ron dominated in typical Ron fashion. I must have won like 6 or 9 races…. With me being on a 69cc 2 stroke, no one stood a chance! Must of had to clean out 69 4 strokes in the process! So WE WIN!!!!!
Saturday was the team race! My teammate I was suppose to have ‘Gregg Muffy” had a bad injury the night before while he was jerkin his gherkin so My camera guy Bryan had to fill in! Lucky I’m the baddest Mother Fucker on 2 wheels so we summed out victorious in typical Ronnie Mac fashion! Imagine that, Team 69 on top once again!
Sunday race was called the “Cooter Grab”. It was a 2 hour gp race! I shot outta the gate like a coyote rocket and pulled out about a 6 or 9 second lead after the first lap! I was a GP style track so it was longer than my autograph line even was! 6.9 miles exactly! Lap times were like 6 or 9 minutes long! Crazy. Right at about the hour and 9 minute mark, I had pulled out a 69 sec lead so figured I’d pull off cause id already proved the speed. And I was thirsty!
All and all we kicked some serious ass, Drank all the beers, touched all the butts!
Great weekend!
Keep it twisted
Yer fav uncle,